Palyi Progress in Biological Chirality by Palyl, Zucchi, Caglloti

By Palyl, Zucchi, Caglloti

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Similarly, sperm from A. nigra and Phallusia julinea can cause glycosidase release from A. sydneiensis eggs and A nigra, and A sydeneiensis sperm can cause glycosidase release from Phallusiajulinea eggs. Motile sperm from an oyster did not induce glycosidase release. Thus the block to polyspermy involves an interaction between sperm and egg that is not nearly as specific as fertilization. Prior Insemination by Heterologous Sperm Reduces Fertilization Competency by Homologous Sperrn That heterologous sperm could cause release of the glycosidase responsible for the early block to polyspermy suggested that sperm from one species might be capable of sabotaging the fertilization of another species' eggs.

However, incubation of acid-treated eggs with acid extracts did not restore the SS so far as we tried. Interestingly, De Santis and her colleagues established a similar system in C. intestinalis using ovarian eggs, that are self-fertile, instead of acidtreated eggs (See the chapter by R. De Santis, this volume). We are planning to follow this track. kD 1 2 3 250 105 75 ..... 70kD 50 30 - Fig. 2. SDSIPAGE analysis of the acid extracts of the vitelline coat. Total proteins from VC (Iane 1), proteins remaining in VC after acid extraction (Iane 2) and extracted proteins by acid treatment (Iane 3).

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