New Perspectives on the Welfare State in Europe by Catherine Jones, Dr Catherine Jones Jones

By Catherine Jones, Dr Catherine Jones Jones

Now not because the Nineteen Forties has there been such entire scope for uncertainty inside and approximately Europe. New views at the Welfare country in Europe bargains an appraisal of comparative social coverage and applies it to present uncertainties relating eu groups and European-North American and East Asian relationships. together with contributions from Deakin, Klein, Leibfried, Mishra and Rose the paintings may still offer crucial analyzing for college students, researchers, academics and coverage makers in social coverage, politics and sociology.

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32 SOCIAL POLICY IN THE POSTMODERN WORLD The welfare state promised to do the same through its universal services which also signified solidarity and decommodification. Communism promised an end to poverty and to create plenty for all; the welfare state offered the same through a market economy suitably equipped with social security and other anti-poverty measures. The welfare state, in short, was the West’s answer to the challenge of communism as an alternative social order. Now with the collapse of communism and the fading of the neo-conservative vision of a return to laissez-faire capitalism, the ‘middle way’ itself disappears as the ‘left’ and the ‘right’ alternatives, in a strong sense, also disappear.

Long live corporatism’, Government and Opposition 24 (1). Simonsen, K. (1990) ‘Planning on “postmodern conditions” ’, Acta Sociologica 33(1). A. (1976) Why Is There No Socialism in the United States? Sharpe. Steinfels, P. (1979) The Neoconservatives, New York: Simon & Schuster. D. (1979) The Transition from Capitalism to Socialism, London: Macmillan. Therborn, G. (1984) ‘The prospects of labour and the transformation of advanced capitalism’, New Left Review 145. —— (1986) Why Some Peoples Are More Unemployed Than Others, London: Verso.

For more recent views, see George and Wilding (1976: ch. 4), Esping-Andersen (1985: ch. 5), Korpi (1983) and Stephens (1979). The term ‘social democracy’ is used here in the broader European (Continental) sense of the term. The Anglo-Saxon usage suggests a position midway between liberalism and democratic socialism. Social democratic politics of course includes the left tendency—concerned with a democratic but radical transformation of capitalism—as well as the right tendency—content with a form of capitalism with a human face.

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