WALCOM: Algorithms and Computation: Third International by Jacob Fox, János Pach (auth.), Sandip Das, Ryuhei Uehara

By Jacob Fox, János Pach (auth.), Sandip Das, Ryuhei Uehara (eds.)

This ebook constitutes the refereed court cases of the 3rd overseas Workshop on Algorithms and Computation, WALCOM 2009, held in Kolkata, India, in February 2009.

The 30 revised complete papers awarded including four invited papers have been conscientiously reviewed and chosen from 102 submissions. The papers function unique learn within the components of layout and research of algorithms, computational geometry, graph drawing and graph algorithms. The papers are equipped in topical sections on computational geometry, graph algorithms, complexity, graph drawing, approximation algorithms, and randomized algorithms.

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Example text

SIAM Journal on Computing 28, 210–236 (1998) 16. : All-pairs small stretch paths. Journal of Algorithms 38, 335– 353 (2001) 17. : Matrix multiplication via arithmetic progressions. Journal of Symbolic Computation 9, 251–280 (1990) 18. : Introduction to Algorothms. MIT Press, Cambridge (1990) Approximating Shortest Paths in Graphs 43 19. : All pairs almost shortest paths. Siam Journal on Computing 29, 1740–1759 (2000) 20. : Computing almost shortest paths. ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG) 1, 282–323 (2005) 21.

Alth¨ ofer et al. [3] were the first to design a polynomial time algorithm for computing a (2k − 1)-spanner of O(n1+1/k ) size for any weighted graph. They are able to meet the worst case size bound, however, their algorithm requires O(min(kn2+1/k , mn1+1/k )) time. Cohen [15], and later Thorup and Zwick [30] 36 S. Sen designed faster algorithms for computing spanners but the time complexities of these algorithms are far from being linear. An algorithm of [10] computes a spanner without any sort of local/global distance computation, and runs in expected linear time.

This suggests that our ability to derive sharp transcendence bounds are rather limited. ¶6. Transfer Function: Homogeneous Case. An expression of the form m Λ = β0 + βi log αi i=1 where αi , βi ∈ A is called a “linear form in logarithms”. The form is homogeneous when β0 = 0; if, in addition, the βi ’s are integers, then Λ is said to be in “algebraic form”. This is the case (with m = 2) needed for bounding log2 (x) G . Lemma 5. Let Λ0 = β1 log α1 + β2 log α2 where α1 , α2 ∈ A and β1 , β2 ∈ Z. If α := α1 β1 α2 β2 , then |Λ0 | ≥ exp (−B1 (D, H)) .

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