International Review of Cytology, Vol. 142 by Kwang W. Jeon, Martin Friedlander (Eds.)

By Kwang W. Jeon, Martin Friedlander (Eds.)

This serial offers present advances and entire reports in mobile biology - either plant and animal. Articles handle constitution and regulate of gene expression, nucleocytoplasmic interactions, regulate of phone improvement and differentiation, and phone transformation and progress. assurance has been improved to incorporate molecular biology utilized to cellphone organic platforms, cell-cell interactions, mobilephone floor and receptor phenomena, and plenty of different components.

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They are sur- FIG. 7 (a) Electron micrographs depicting a cementoblast (CB). with deep surface recessions and cytoplasmic processes that compartmentalize the extracellular collagen fibril matrix at the surface of CIFC cementoid (CM: see Fig. 5 . part 3). (b) Electron micrograph of a cernentocyte (CC) within newly formed and mineralized CIFC. surrounded by a matrix halo (MH; see Fig. 5 , part 3). CIFC, cellular intrinsic fiber cementum. 000; b, ~ 9 0 0 0 (a) . Courtesy Dr. D. D. Bosshardt. (b) From Bosshardt and Schroeder (1992).

Aspects of normal wound healing processes, including blood clot formation and clearance of traumatized wound edges by phagocytosis and resorption and the several humoral factors that participate in would healing, were intentionally excluded. The most simplified model situation indeed did not permit the observation of anything but the behavior of cells and the arrangement of matrix products in the presence and along denatured root surfaces. Also, both of these model components were heterogeneous, nonspecified biologically, and most often of unknown origin and ontogeny.

10a). The materials that were used to compose the model systems varied widely, at least originally. , 1986). , 1987). , 1987). It is clear, retrospectively, that a model composed of material, living or dead, derived from such a variety of species (rat, pig, human) and tissues (gingiva, periodontal ligament, teeth, bone) is extremely heterogeneous, inaccurate, and not necessarily valid, biologically. , 1987). The original model was modified twofold, first by using autologous human material and standardized methods of microscopic evaluation (Preisig and Schroeder, 1988) and second by employing a new culture system in which nourishment is provided from both above and below the cellular matrix (Fig.

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