Thermofluids by Michael Horsley, Sherwin Keith

By Michael Horsley, Sherwin Keith

The 2 linked matters of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics are mixed during this ebook to supply the reader with an easy-to-follow textual content which emphasizes the basic coherence of the fabric.

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For more complex systems the clarity inherent within a schematic diagram is particularly useful because the purpose of a diagram is to provide visual information that can be readily understood. Finally, it is possible to indicate how heat or work is transferred between a component and its surroundings. 1 it was shown that the boiler had a burner underneath it. From a thermofluid point of view, the important piece of information is that heat enters the boiler from outside. It is irrelevant whether that heat is supplied by burning fuel or, in the case of such a small unit, by an electric heater.

3. 7 SCALING Scaling is a form of modelling used to evaluate the relative importance of one particular variable. In its application to thermofluid situations the variable to be scaled generally relates to the size of the device under consideration. Although scaling has only limited application within thermofluid mechanics, it is useful in giving an insight into a particular situation. Examples of scaling are included later in this book. In Chapter 15, the question of why birds have limited size is answered by using scaling.

The speed (1l0kmh- 1) dimensions are LT-\ the time (2h) dimension is T and the distance (220 km) dimension is L. On the left-hand side of the equals sign, the dimensions can cancel out just as if they were numbers, so that LT- 1 x T can become L. The dimensions on either side of the equation are thus consistent. 5 Some of the properties do not change: it is still a piece of steel; it will still melt at the same temperature; it has the same colour, for example. Some of the properties do change: the bar weighs less than before; it is shorter than before, for instance.

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