The Second Indochina War: A Concise Political and Military by William S. Turley

By William S. Turley

Now in a completely revised and up to date variation, this vintage heritage of the _Vietnam War_ as noticeable by means of all members takes under consideration the wealth of analysis and writing at the struggle because the book's unique booklet greater than twenty years in the past. top student William Turley combines unique examine, thorough wisdom of the literature, his personal perception from many journeys to Vietnam in the course of and because the warfare, and sound interpretation right into a succinct and well-crafted research that offers balanced therapy of the Vietnamese, Lao, Khmer, and American dimensions of the struggle.

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Extra info for The Second Indochina War: A Concise Political and Military History

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3 To Cold War “revisionists,” however, the root cause of intervention was internal to the United States. Whether styled as the foreign policy establishment,4 “National Security Managers,”5 or civilian and military executives in charge of the world’s greatest military machine,6 the driving force behind American policy in the Cold War revisionist view was an offensive-minded Introduction 3 American bureaucratic elite allied with commercial interests bent on expansion abroad. 7 Another puzzle is why did the United States, once it had gotten itself into Indochina, stay so long.

State Department’s newly established Southeast Asia Division, reaffirmed French sovereignty over Indochina. Officially neutral toward France’s effort to recover Indochina, the United States in late 1945 provided ships to carry French troops to Saigon. In 1946 it began quietly supplying substantial amounts of non-lethal equipment for the French to use in Indochina. 8 The American purpose, however, was not to help France reestablish colonial rule in its prewar form. The purpose, reflecting both American anticolonial sentiment and a pragmatic belief that France could not win the support of the Indochinese people without satisfying their nationalist aspirations, was to achieve an American objective with a French foil.

Before long he was in Moscow, specializing in peasant affairs for the Communist International (Comintern) and undergoing training for assignment to Asia. In 1924 the Comintern sent him to China, where he coordinated the propaganda and recruitment that culminated in founding the Indochinese Communist party (ICP) in 1930. Thanks to cautious organizational work, a trickle of cadres trained abroad, and escape from the French suppression that weakened rival groups, the ICP would soon become the most effective of all Vietnamese parties and movements opposed to colonial rule.

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