Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Polymers. Vibrational, NMR, by Marek W. Urban, Theodore Provder

By Marek W. Urban, Theodore Provder

content material: Fourier remodel IR and Raman spectroscopy of polymers : part evaluate / Peter R. Griffiths and Marek W. city --
selecting the constitution of polyimide-metal interfaces utilizing Fourier remodel IR and Raman spectroscopy / F.J. Boerio, J.T. younger, and W.W. Zhao --
Raman microscopy and imaging of polymers / M. Claybourn, A. Luget, and K.P.J. Williams --
Multimode IR research of nylon eleven / L.J. Fina --
Rheophotoacoustic Fourier remodel IR spectroscopy to review diffusion and adhesion in polymers / B.W. Ludwig, B.D. Pennington, and Marek W. city --
Step-scan Fourier rework IR reviews of polymers and liquid crystals / Richard A. Palmer, Vasilis G. Gregoriou, Akira Fuji, Eric Y. Jiang, Susan E. Plunkett, Laura M. Connors, Stephane Boccara, and James L. Chao --
comparing the weatherability of polyurethane sealants / Ralph M. Paroli, Kenneth C. Cole, and Ana H. Delgado --
Diffuse and specular reflectance measurements of polymeric fibrous fabrics / M. Papini --
tracking polymerization reactions by means of near-IR spectroscopy / Shih Ying Chang and Nam solar Wang --
UV-visible spectroscopy to figure out free-volume distributions in the course of multifunctional monomer polymerizations / Kristi S. Anseth, Teri A. Walker, and Christopher N. Bowman --
Multidimensional NMR spectroscopy of polymers : part evaluation / Klaus Schmidt-Rohr --
Dynamics and constitution of amorphous polymers studied by means of multidimensional solid-state NMR spectroscopy / Klaus Schmidt-Rohr --
purposes of ¹H-¹⁹F-¹³C triple-resonance NMR ways to the characterization of fluoropolymers / Peter L. Rinaldi, Lan Li, Dale G. Ray, III, Gerard S. Hatvany, Hsin-Ta Wang, and H. James Harwood --
Conformational illness and its dynamics in the crystalline section of the shape II polymorph of isotactic poly(1-butene) / Haskell W. Beckham, Klaus Schmidt-Rohr, and H.W. Spiess --
NMR research of penetrant diffusion and polymer segmental movement in toluene-polyisobutylene recommendations / Athinodoros Bandis, Paul T. Inglefield, Alan A. Jones, and Wen-Yang Wen --
Miscibility, part separation, and interdiffusion within the poly(methyl methacrylate)-poly(vinylidene fluoride) procedure : solid-state NMR research / Werner E. Maas --
Oxygen absorption on fragrant polymers : ¹H NMR leisure learn / D. Capitani, A.L. Segre, and J. Blicharski --
Chain packing and chain dynamics of polymers with layer constructions / Hans R. Kricheldorf, Christoph Wutz, Nicolas Probst, Angelika Domschke, and Mihai Gurau --
Electron paramagnetic resonance and ¹H and ¹³C NMR learn of paper / D. Attanasio, D. Capitani, C. Federici, M. Paci, and A.L. Segre --
purposes of luminescence spectroscopy in polymer technological know-how : part assessment / Ian Soutar --
Fluorescence stories of the habit of poly(dimethylacrylamide) in dilute aqueous answer and on the solid-liquid interface / Ian Soutar, Linda Swanson, S.J.L. Wallace, K.P. Ghiggino, D.J. Haines, and T.A. Smith --
Fluorescence reviews of pyrene-labeled, water-soluble polymeric surfactants / Michael C. Kramer, Jamie R. Steger, and Charles L. McCormick --
Luminescence spectroscopic reviews of water-soluble polymers / Ian Soutar and Linda Swanson --
Photophysical examine of skinny movies of polystyrene and poly(methyl methacrylate) / E.H. Ellison and J.K. Thomas --
Photophysical methods to characterization of visitor websites and dimension of diffusion charges to and from them in unstretched and stretched low-density polyethylene movies / Jawad Naciri, Zhiqiang Hé, Roseann M. Costantino, Liangde Lu, George S. Hammond, and Richard G. Weiss --
Photophysical habit of phenylene-vinylene polymers as studied via polarized fluorescence spectroscopy / M. Hennecke and T. Damerau --
Free-volume gap distribution of polymers probed via positron annihilation spectroscopy / J. Liu, Q. Deng, H. Shi, and Y.C. Jean --
tracking measure of healing and coating thickness of photocurable resins utilizing fluorescence probe suggestions / J.C. tune and D.C. Neckers --
Spectroscopic characterization of unimer micelles of hydrophobically changed polysulfonates / Yotaro Morishima --
Fourier rework IR and NMR observations of crystalline polymer inclusion compounds / N. Vasanthan, I.D. Shin, and A.E. Tonelli --
Solvent-induced adjustments within the glass transition temperature of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer studied utilizing Fourier rework IR and dynamic mechanical spectroscopy / Marsha A. Samus and Giuseppe Rossi --
Photophysical and rheological stories of amphiphilic polyelectrolytes : correlation of polymer microstructure with associative-thickening habit / Kelly D. Branham and Charles L. McCormick --
Fourier rework IR and fluorescence spectroscopy of hugely ordered practical polymer Langmuir-Blodgett movies / Tokuji Miyashita.

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ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995. 0001 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 1000 800 600 Wavenumber Figure 8. Continued. 015 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 Wavenumber Figure 9. RAIR spectra obtained after imidization of thin films of the polyamic acid of PMDA/ODA on gold substrates. The films had thicknesses of approximately (A) - 260, (B) - 45, and (C) - 15 Â, respectively. (Adapted from ref. ; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

Pryde, C. A. Macromolecules 1978, 14, 1215. Moskovits, M. Rev. Mod. Phys. 1985, 57, 783. ; Akemann, W. J. : Condens. Matter 1992, 4, 1143. ; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995. ch002 40 MULTIDIMENSIONAL SPECTROSCOPY OF POLYMERS 6. Burrell, M. ; Codella, P. ; Fontana, J. ; McConnell, M. D. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 1989,A7,55. 7. Linde, H. G. J. Appl. 1990, 40, 2049. 8. ; Lamb, R. N. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1987, 133, 283. 9. ; Lamb, R. N. Surface Sci. 1988, 204, 183. 10.

For a multichannel system, the grating is fixed, the exit slit is removed and the whole spectrum is simultaneously measured across the detector. Until recently, these systems have used double or triple monochromators which are relatively inefficient with a large number of optical surfaces. By using the Raman microscope system as a microprobe, the technique has been used to study polymer fibers eg (8) and for single fiber studies, correlation of Raman band shift with tensile strength has been determined (9).

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