Microwave-assisted Polymer Synthesis by Richard Hoogenboom, Ulrich S. Schubert, Frank Wiesbrock

By Richard Hoogenboom, Ulrich S. Schubert, Frank Wiesbrock

The sequence Advances in Polymer technology offers severe reports of the current and destiny developments in polymer and biopolymer technological know-how. It covers all parts of analysis in polymer and biopolymer technological know-how together with chemistry, actual chemistry, physics, fabric science.The thematic volumes are addressed to scientists, no matter if at universities or in undefined, who desire to continue abreast of the real advances within the coated topics.Advances in Polymer technology enjoys a longstanding culture and stable recognition in its neighborhood. every one quantity is devoted to a present subject, and every evaluation severely surveys one element of that subject, to put it in the context of the quantity. The volumes mostly summarize the numerous advancements of the final five to ten years and speak about them seriously, proposing chosen examples, explaining and illustrating the real ideas, and bringing jointly many very important references of basic literature. On that foundation, destiny examine instructions within the region could be mentioned. Advances in Polymer technology volumes therefore are vital references for each polymer scientist, in addition to for different scientists drawn to polymer technology - as an creation to a neighboring box, or as a compilation of distinctive info for the specialist.Review articles for the person volumes are invited through the amount editors. unmarried contributions might be particularly commissioned.Readership: Polymer scientists, or scientists in comparable fields drawn to polymer and biopolymer technological know-how, at universities or in undefined, graduate students

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CRC, Boca Raton 206. Leonelli C, Mason TJ (2010) Microwave and ultrasonic processing: now a realistic option for industry. Chem Eng Process 49:885–900 207. Strauss CR (2009) On scale up of organic reactions in closed vessel microwave systems. Org Process Res Dev 13:915–923 208. Moseley JD, Kappe CO (2011) A critical assessment of the greenness and energy efficiency of microwave-assisted organic synthesis. Green Chem 13:794–806 209. Devine WG, Leadbeater NE (2011) Probing the energy efficiency of microwave heating and continuous-flow conventional heating as tools for organic chemistry.

Wiley, Chicester 99. Kremsner JM, Kappe CO (2006) Silicon carbide passive heating elements in microwaveassisted organic synthesis. E. Leadbeater 100. Gutmann B, Obermayer D, Reichart B, Prekodravac B, Irfan M, Kremsner JM, Kappe CO (2010) Sintered silicon carbide: a new ceramic vessel material for microwave chemistry in single-mode reactors. Chem Eur J 40:12182–12194 101. Obermayer D, Gutmann B, Kappe CO (2009) Microwave chemistry in silicon carbide reaction vials: separating thermal from nonthermal effects.

E. Leadbeater O HO OH + HO Me MW MeSO3H (cat) O HO O Me 271 °C, flow at 6 L / h 89% Scheme 19 Scale-up of an esterification reaction using continuous-flow processing be homogeneous before, during and until out of the microwave apparatus. A consequence of this is that extensive re-optimization may need to be undertaken in order to develop appropriate homogeneous reaction conditions and suitable residence times. In addition, significant temperature gradients can be observed when using flow approaches and the tubing diameter needs to be carefully assessed to ensure adequate penetration of the microwave irradiation across the entire crosssection.

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