By J. Dressler
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Order Executive Order (United States) Orders, with the force of law, promulgated by the President. These orders are collected in Title 3 of the Code of Federal Regulations. 3d Federal Reporter (First Series; Second Series; Third Series) Official reports of decisions of the federal courts other than the Supreme Court. 3d” cover decisions of the courts of appeals and the Court of Claims. F. Cas. Federal Cases Reports of decisions of the federal district courts and the federal circuit courts from the establishment of those courts through 31 December 1879.
But in determining when the soul enters the body, so as to make abortion homicide, early theologians were influenced by classical views regarding animation. A distinction was drawn between (1) abortion involving an inanimate or ‘‘unformed’’ fetus, which was regarded, like contraception, as an act that prevented a life from coming into being; and (2) abortion involving an animate, ‘‘formed,’’ or ‘‘vivified’’ fetus, which amounted to the taking of a life that already had come into being. While not everyone accepted this distinction, it was incorporated into medieval law, both canon and civil law.
New York: Macmillan, 1994. GLENDON, MARY ANN. Abortion and Divorce in Western Law: American Failures, European Challenges. : Harvard University Press, 1987. KEOWN, JOHN. Abortion, Doctors, and the Law: Some Aspects of the Legal Regulation of Abortion in En- 7 gland from 1803 to 1982. : Cambridge University Press, 1988. LUKER, KRISTIN. Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984. MCDONAGH, EILEEN L. Breaking the Abortion Deadlock: From Choice to Consent.