Copepoda: Developments in Ecology, Biology and Systematics: by Ju-shey Ho (auth.), Rubens M. Lopes, Janet W. Reid, Carlos

By Ju-shey Ho (auth.), Rubens M. Lopes, Janet W. Reid, Carlos E. F. Rocha (eds.)

This publication comprises articles provided on the 7th foreign convention on Copepoda, held in Curitiba, Brazil, in the course of July 1999, less than the sponsorship of the Federal college of Parana and the realm organization of Copepodologists. in the course of the convention, 228 investigators from 37 international locations mentioned the present prestige of study within the significant box of copepod biology. As a follow-up, this quantity is complete in insurance, targeting elements of the ecology, biology, and systematics of copepods from marine, freshwater, and semiterrestrial environments. these drawn to aquatic and semiaquatic groups will locate an updated evaluation of current knowing of those approximately ubiquitous microcrustaceans. This booklet presents top quality examine fabric for graduate scholars biologists attracted to the aquatic sciences.

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Hagen & E. Mizdalski, 1991. Seasonal comparison of Calanoides acutus and Calanus propinquus (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the southeastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 70: 17–27. Spiridonov, V. A. & K. N. Kosobokova, 1997. Winter ontogenetic migrations and the onset of gonad development in large dominant calanoid copepods in the Weddell Gyre (Antarctica). Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 157: 233–246. Voronina, N. , 1970. Seasonal cycles of some common Antarctic copepod species. V. ), Antarctic Ecology.

Huntley, M. E. & W. Nordhausen, 1995. Ammonium cycling by Antarctic zooplankton in winter. Mar. Biol. 121: 457–467. Huntley, M. , V. Marin & V. Øresland, 1987. RACER: Feeding and egg production rates of some Antarctic copepods. Ant. J. U. S. 22: 158–160. Huntley, M. , M. Zhou & M. D. G. Lopez, 1994. Calanoides acutus in Gerlache Strait, Antarctica II. Solving an inverse problem in population dynamics. Deep-Sea Res. 41: 209–227. 23 Ikeda, T. & A. W. Mitchell, 1982. Oxygen uptake, ammonia excretion and phosphate excretion by krill and other Antarctic zooplankton in relation to their body size and chemical composition.

1994. Diets and feeding selectivity among the epipelagic copepod community near South Georgia in summer. Polar Biol. 14: 551–560. , 1995. Omnivory and feeding selectivity in five copepod species during spring in the Bellingshausen Sea, Antarctica. ICES J. mar. Sci. 52: 385–396. , 1998. Life cycle strategies of epipelagic copepods in the Southern Ocean. J. mar. Syst. 15: 289–311. Atkinson, A. & R. S. Shreeve, 1995. Response of the copepod community to a spring bloom in the Bellingshausen Sea. Deep-Sea Res.

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