The International Thought of Martin Wight (Palgrave by Ian Hall

By Ian Hall

Martin Wight's overseas concept encouraged a iteration of scholars on the London tuition of Economics and keeps to animate the so-called "English college" of diplomacy. This new examine, drawing upon his released writings and unpublished papers, examines his paintings on diplomacy within the mild of his wider notion, his non secular ideals, and his figuring out of historical past.

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78 But he believed nonetheless that Christians should follow the example of Christ and challenge the injustices of the world. ”79 Wight’s own argument followed Sheppard’s lead. His case was clear and penetrating: The core of pacifism is the belief that it is never right to take human life. It is nothing to do with quietism in the sense of immoral apathy and The Christian in a Secular Age ● 31 passivity. It is not the organisation of mass-cowardice. It does not condemn all use of force. It does not assert that there is nothing worth fighting for.

S. Eliot, Jacques Ellul, Martin D’Arcy, C. S. Lewis, Reinhold Niebuhr, Albert Schweitzer, and Paul Tillich. Wight’s contributions to volume VII of Toynbee’s Study displayed an even greater range. Aside from the array of Scriptural quotations that Wight bantered with Toynbee,32 there are discussions of the Emperor Julian’s neoplatonist apostasy,33 Justin Martyr,34 Hinduism,35 Buddhism,36 canon law,37 and mysticism,38 amongst many other topics. ”39 26 ● The International Thought of Martin Wight Wight had little sympathy—as we have seen and will examine in more detail below—for theological liberalism, predominant in England in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

69 What the “other things” were remains unclear. Wight’s time at Oxford coincided with much discussion of the merits of pacifism within the University and outside it. 70 Whether Wight attended the debate is unknown; in any case, he may not have sympathized with those who spoke in the motion’s defence on secular grounds, including C. E. M. Joad and Beverley Nichols. ”71 The alternative that Wight described was uncompromising. It had close affinities to the doctrine set out by the leading Christian pacifist of the day, 30 ● The International Thought of Martin Wight the Reverend H.

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