The Carbohydrates. Chemistry And Biochemistry by Ward Pigman (Eds.)

By Ward Pigman (Eds.)

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530 B. Acidic Polysaccharides . . . 533 C. "Amyloids" 534 References 534 I. INTRODUCTION Polysaccharides of plant origin display a wide variety of complex structures. Those described in the three previous chapters (Vol. IIA, Chapters 36 and 37 and this volume, Chap. , or in terms of their origin as cell wall polysaccharides or food reserve materials. The more complex plant polysaccharides do not lend themselves so readily to simple classification and will be considered broadly under three main divisions, indicative of origin, as pectic substances, plant gums, and seed and bark mucilages.

Pullulanase. It is likely that this debranching enzyme—which is more efficient and also much more readily isolated than dextranase—will be of great importance in future structural determinations of glycogen. Glycogen-Synthesizing Enzymes. For a discussion of glycogen-synthesizing enzymes, see Vol. IIA, Chap. 34. REFERENCES 1. A. Meyer, "Untersuchungen über die Stärkekörner," G. Fischer, Jena, Germany, 1895. 2. R. W. , Academic Press, New York, 1950. 3. J. A. , Chapman and Hall, London, 1968. 4.

39, 123 (1962). 15b. R. M. Sanstedt, Cereal Sei. Today, 305 (1965). 510 C. T. GREENWOOD 16. F. L. Bates, D. French, and R. E. Rundle, / . Amer. Chem. Soc, 65, 142 (1943). 17. D. M. W. Anderson and C. T. Greenwood, / . Chem. Soc, 3016 (1955). 17a. G. K. Adkins and C. T. Greenwood, Carbohyd. , 3, 81, 152 (1966). 18. R. N. Hixon and B. Brimhall, "Chemistry and Industry of Starch," J. A. , Wiley, New York, p. 252. 19. F. R. Senti and C. R. Russell, Tappi, 43, 343 (1960). 20. C. T. Greenwood and J.

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