Religious Freedom, Multiculturalism, Islam: Cross-reading by Tuula Sakaranaho

By Tuula Sakaranaho

It is a comparative research of Muslims in Finland and the Republic of eire, from the viewpoint of non secular freedom and multiculturalism. The ebook involves 3 elements: the 1st half discusses non secular freedom and multiculturalism from a conceptual standpoint and usually in the context of Western Europe, culminating within the circumstances of Finland and eire; the second one half offers with the institution of Muslim groups in Europe mostly, and in Finland and eire particularly; and, the 3rd half matters Islam and schooling in those respective international locations.

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All in all, the idea of religious memory nicely illuminates both the concern for the continuation of Christianity, as well as that of rooting Islam, as a religious tradition in Europe (see Hervieu-Léger 2000; Davie 2000). The continuity of religious memory As comprehensive meaning systems, historical religions such as Christianity and Islam, have been, and still are, used as a source of explanation of social reality, telling how things are, but also as an explanation for the social reality, stating how things should be.

Pdf. ] religion and multiculturalism 23 In fact one can go even further than this and look at the secularisation process as a particularly European phenomenon and hence something that is central to the identification of being a European (see Davie 2000: 1). Following this line of thought, one could turn secularisation theories into conceptual lenses through which one would try to understand, not the global religiosity in general as secularisation theories often claim to do, but rather the changing religiosity of Europe, and Western Europe to be more precise.

The second part, consisting of Chapters Five, Six and Seven, inquires how Muslims in Europe have organised themselves as a religious community. With respect to this sort of institutional adaptation, it must be noted that it easily involves different meanings for the host society and for Muslims, respectively. Thus, for the host society the main question is how far Muslims, as newcomers or as an established minority, are prepared to follow the rules, norms, and values prevalent in a wider society.

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