Elements of the Theory of Structures by J. Heyman

By J. Heyman

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Such a difference in the kind of justification to be provided stems from a fundamental principle that guides these investigations, namely, that higher standards of hermeneutical evidence apply for the documentation of a negative evaluation than for the documentation of a positive one. This is easy to see, since the claim in question may be formulated by saying that Croce's liquidationist criticism of Marxism is un-Crocean. This thesis is obviously another way of expressing the main Gramscian conclusion reconstructed in the 28 Croce and criticism preceding chapter, but it is equally obvious that more needs to be said about what a Crocean critical approach is.

Hence, descriptive understanding is also individualization. Sometimes this may be accomplished by merely pointing to the thing, sometimes by using its proper name. Sometimes a painting has to be made, as in the case of an artist trying to individualize his image. Or the poet may write a poem in order to individualize his feeling or impression. The novelist may write a book in order to individualize a certain character. Finally, the scientist may have to write an article in order to describe his solution of a certain physical problem, or the philosopher may write a book to describe his conception of the world.

And so we find him struggling with Marxism and coming to grips with it. The direct and immediate results of his study of Marx are recorded in Historical Materialism and the Economics of Karl Marx. " Is it likely that such a person would fail to study the writings of an obscure eighteenthcentury professor of rhetoric at the University of Naples, author of various ambitious books on scholarly-historical subjects, including one entitled Principles of a New Science Concerning the Common Nature of Nations?

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