Development and Diffusionism: Looking Beyond by Jeremiah I. Dibua (auth.)

By Jeremiah I. Dibua (auth.)

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Public corruption is higher in neopatrimonial regimes. The evidence is anecdotal (my emphasis), of course, but it does suggest that African states tolerate levels of corruption that would not go unpunished elsewhere and that public 14 Development and Diffusionism accountability is significantly less well developed in these regimes. This means, for example, that corruption often completely negates the function and objectives of structural adjustment rather than merely reducing its effectiveness.

Kohli attempted an elaborate theoretical analysis of the capacity of the Nigerian state to promote economic development. ” He identified three types of states in the developing world: cohesive-capitalist (South Korea), fragmented-multiclass (Brazil and India), and neopatrimonial (Nigeria). ”61 Kohli claimed that Nigeria exemplifies an ideal-type, “pure” neopatrimonial state in the sense that it exhibits all the characteristics of such a state, namely, “use of state resources for private aggrandizement, widespread corruption .

Although in theory, the neoliberals advocated state minimalism, in practice, their policies promoted authoritarian interventionist states, and they supported these states as long as they were committed to forcefully implementing neoliberal economic policies. It is therefore paradoxical that the bulk of the literature that posited neopatrimonialism as the rationale for interventionist government policies was published to justify the implementation of neoliberal programs. It is also important to note that the blame of internal factors as solely or even primarily responsible for Africa’s development crisis fails to take into account the fundamental role that external factors played in the process .

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