Clearing the Path: Writings of Nanavira Thera (1960-1965) by Nanavira Thera

By Nanavira Thera

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Cf. ) (The Milindapa¤ha is a particularly misleading book. ) Na Ca So Na ca so na ca a¤¤o, ‘Neither he nor another’. ’. This u. Manifest impermanence and unpleasurableness at a coarse level does not exclude (false) perception of permanence and pleasure at a fine level (indeed, manifest unpleasurableness requires false perception of permanence, as remarked above [this refers, of course, only to saïkhàradukkha]). But the coarse notion of ‘self’ must be removed before the subtle conceit ‘(I) am’ can go.

Z See Phassa [a]. ii,63,§21>9 may firstly be taken as one’s own cognized body. Cf. Nidàna/Abhisamaya Saüy. ii,24>: together with its appearance, which is how we normally take it, it is nàmaråpa. Nàmaråpa that is external is all cognized phenomena apart from one’s own body. Cf. iii,19>: Avijjànãvaraõassa bhikkhave bàlassa/paõóitassa taõhàya sampayuttassa evam ayaü kàyo samudàgato. Iti ayaü c’eva kàyo bahiddhà ca nàmaråpaü, itth’etaü dvayaü. A stupid/intelligent man, monks, constrained by nescience and attached by craving, has thus acquired this body.

In other words, the question of impermanence is not simply that of establishing these three characteristics. See Na Ca So for a discussion of the illegitimacy of the question Who? (It is perhaps being over-charitable to the Milinda to associate its argument with the three saïkhatalakkhaõàni: the Milinda is probably thinking in terms of flux or continuous change. Bradley, while accepting the principle of identity on the ideal level, does not reject a real continuous change: we may possibly not be wrong in attributing some such view to the Milinda in its interpretation of the Dhamma.

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