Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss: The Hidden Dialogue by Heinrich Meier

By Heinrich Meier

Carl Schmitt used to be the main recognized and debatable defender of political theology within the 20th century. yet in his best-known paintings, the concept that of the Political, issued in 1927, 1932, and 1933, political issues led him to hide the dependence of his political conception on his religion in divine revelation. In 1932 Leo Strauss released a serious evaluation of idea that initiated a very refined trade among Schmitt and Strauss concerning Schmitt’s critique of liberalism. even if Schmitt by no means responded Strauss publicly, within the 3rd version of his publication he replaced a couple of passages in accordance with Strauss’s criticisms. Now, during this dependent translation through J. Harvey Lomax, Heinrich Meier exhibits us what the striking discussion among Schmitt and Strauss finds concerning the improvement of those seminal thinkers.Meier contends that their trade in simple terms ostensibly revolves round liberalism. At its center, their “hidden discussion” explores the elemental clash among political theology and political philosophy, among revelation and reason­and eventually, the very important query of ways humans should stay their lives. “Heinrich Meier’s therapy of Schmitt’s writings is morally analytical with out moralizing, a notable feat in view of Schmitt’s earlier. He needs to appreciate what Schmitt used to be after instead of to push aside him out of hand or bowdlerize his options for modern political purposes.”—Mark Lilla, big apple overview of Books 

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622-32) and in Der Levia­ ! tomas Hobbes. 39. 62. tts [ 1 802], ed. Lasson, p. 383). Compare the statements by Strauss on Hobbes and the "ideal of civilization" in the text and in n. 35 above with this definition of the bourgeois. taft, pp. 120 ff. -On Schmitt's critique of the bourgeois cf. teologie, pp. te Fonn, pp. te Romantik, 2d ed. (Munich and Leipzig, 1925) (with an important new Preface dated "September 1924," pp. 3-28), pp. teutigen Par/amentarismus, 2d ed. (Munich and Leipzig, 1926), pp.

That they come into play, individually or reinforcing one another, when the intensity of a bond or a separation rises to the "point of the political, " can hardly be denied. The coming into play of these distinctions nec­ essarily results as soon as the political itself is severed from all prior conditions, stripped of all substance, and taken to refer to "only the degree of intensity of an association or dissociation of men whose motives can have a religious, national (in the ethnic or cultural sense), economic, or other character" (38).

32 I CARL SCHMITT AND LEO STRAUSS makes no difference" -or as a harsh and cunning fight against nature, " 'culture' is certainly the culture of nature. 'Culture' is to such an extent the culture of nature that culture can be understood as a sovereign creation of the spirit only if the nature being cultivated has been presup­ posed to be the opposite of spirit, and been forgotten" (NlO). The twofold crux of the "philosophy of culture" does not induce Strauss to build on the answer of an authority, to prepare the path for such an answer, or to look for it himself.

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