The Biology of Germinal Centers in Lymphoid Tissue by G. Jeanette Thorbecke, Vincent K. Tsiagbe

By G. Jeanette Thorbecke, Vincent K. Tsiagbe

This ebook meets the call for of a up to date surge of curiosity in germinal facilities, the foci of antigen-induced, speedily proliferating B lymphocytes, representing websites in mammalian lymphoid tissue the place reminiscence B cells are generated. numerous points of the new release of germinal facilities, the somatic hypermutation strategy and the mobile interactions enthusiastic about the choice procedure are mentioned intimately. A bankruptcy on germinal center-derived lymphomas completes the treatment.

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Recently, the c-Met tyrosine kinase receptor for hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) was found to be specifically expressed on centroblasts in the dark zone of GCs, whereas FDC-enriched stromal cells from tonsils were shown to produce HGF/SF. 267 HSF/SF was shown to induce integrin-mediated adhesion of c-met cDNA transfected cells (and of Burkitt cells) to VCAM-l and fibronectin. 267 Chemokines are probably of foremost importance as chemotactic factors, governing the homing of lymphoid cells.

344 On comparison of typical Th1 and Th2 clones in their relative abilities to reconstitute GC and antibody formation of various isotypes, an interesting discrepancy is found. While Th2 cells alone are capable of significandy raising the number of GCs above background, the combination of Th2 + Th1 cells is generally more effective, while the effect of Th1 cells alone is not significandy different from background. In contrast, Th1 cells reconstitute antibody formation of the Y2a isotype at least 10-fold higher than Th2 cells and 3-fold higher than the combination of Th1 + Th2 cells.

0.. l ~ • 1000 / / ...... '-.. '-.. '-.. Contralateral L '-.. '-.. 0 0 50 '-.. 100 150 200 Days After Priming in a Single Footpad Fig. 7. Immunological B cell memory in draining and contralateral lymph nodes of LAF1 mice after priming with TNP-hemocyanin in a single footpad. , together with 107 bovine Ig (BGG) primed purified T cells and 100 Jlg TNP-BGG, into 620R whole body y-irradiated syngeneic recipients. Spleen cells from recipient mice were assayed for numbers of anti-TNP secreting IgG secreting cells ("indirect PFC") 7 days after cell transfer.

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