Le Vacuome de la Cellule Vegetale: Morphologie. Le Vacuome by Pierre Dangeard, Raymond Hovasse, J.A. Kitching

By Pierre Dangeard, Raymond Hovasse, J.A. Kitching

It can be attainable that contractile vacuoles originate by way of a few kind of part separation now not but understood and probably concerning the contractile houses of proteins, and' it truly is attainable that this technique maintains to function within the partitions of the vacuoles or feeder canals. This secretory method could be the functionality of that a part of the vacuolar gear which blackens on impregnation with osmic acid, and which turns out to own some extent of permanence from vacuole to vacuole and every now and then from mother or father to daughter mobilephone. Remarkably little is understood concerning the mechanism of systole. common physique turgor may possibly give a contribution, however it isn't really crucial. In ciliates the most strength is neighborhood and doubtless comes from a stress within the wall of the vacuole itself, however it isn't really recognized even if this can be an energetic contraction of an orientated protein layer. The severe approach for the initiation of systole is likely one of the establishing of the pore. it's attainable that during ciliates there's a rhythmically working self sustaining timing mechani,sm during which the vacuolar cycle is managed, yet its life has now not been demonstrated.

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De meme, certaines cellules glandulaires possedent it leur pole de decharge des canalicules semi-permanents formant voie excretrice. Definition et Distinction du Vacuome 7 Tous ces canalicules ont ete ranges par HOLMGREN dans Ie trophosponge. Mais, il y a, par la suite, inclus certains appareils de Golgi. ies, a-t-il contribue a. accroltre la confusion regnant alors, et en partie due a. HOLMGREN lui-meme, en assimilant Golgi, trophosponge et vacuome. DUBOSCQ et GRASSE, en 1933, ont mis les choses au point en distinguant avec precision l'appareil de Golgi du trophosponge et en indiquant aussi l'independance de ce dernier par rapport au vacuome.

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