Introduction to Biology (Zambak) by Osman ARPACI, Tunay TUNCER


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Autotroph ( ) producing own food f. Fern 2. Which of the following organisms are important in recycling organic materials ? ( ) gene transfer through cytoplasmic bridges. A) Virus A) Monera B) Protista D) Plant B) Bacteria D) Rhizopoda C) Fungi E) Animals C) Blue green algea E) Sporozoa 61 Kingdom Monera 1. 5. ……………….. bacteria feed on the remains of other organisms. VIII. KINGDOM PROTISTA Introduction To Biology Protists have various sizes, shapes, methods of feeding and reproducing, and life histories.

As seen above, bacteria can be rods, spheres, spirals, flagellated, unflagellated or other shapes. b. Oxygen demand According to the environment in which they are found, bacteria are placed in one of 3 groups: anaerobic, aerobic, or facultative aerobic bacteria. Introduction To Biology Aerobic bacteria: These need oxygen in their environment. Their respiration is aerobic (as in plants and animals). Because they lack mitochondria, they can get only a limited amount of energy. Enzymes responsible for respiration are found mainly in mesosomes.

9. , genetic material is transferred from one bacterium to another. 10. Some bacteria produce and secrete diseasecausing poisons known as ................................... 11. The methanogens are ..................................... that produce methane from carbon dioxide and hydrogen. F. Multiple choice D. Matching 1. Bacteria, blue green algea and viruses belong to kingdom a. Flagella ( ) oxgen dependent b. Conjugation ( ) causing disease c. Anaerobic ( ) oxygen independent d. Aerobic ( ) cytoplasmic extensions e.

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