By Tyrone L. Vigo and Louis J. Nowacki (Eds.)
content material: growth and clients for power conservation in plastics processing / Rudolph D. Deanin --
ideas in strength discounts in plastics processing / Nick R. Schott and Howard Derby --
power potency in plasticating screw extrusion / C.I. Chung, E.M. Mount, III, and D.E. McClelland --
strength conservation via silicone liquid polymer processing process / J.L. Elias, M.T. Maxson, and C.L. Lee --
Microwave curing of silicone elastomers and foams for power discount rates / C.L. Lee --
the significance of curing stipulations in total strength necessities for natural coatings / V.D. McGinniss, L.J. Nowacki, and S.V. Nablo --
Electron-curable coatings and adhesives : formula fundamentals and alertness know-how / J.P. Guarino and E.P. Tripp --
Optimization of healing stipulations in the course of processing of acrylic latex coatings / Chor Huang and Edward J. Leeson --
New strength saving reactive acrylic liquid polymers for the strain delicate adhesives / Y.-S. Lee --
power conservation in cotton ginning / Roy V. Baker and Oliver L. McCaskill --
Sizing and desizing textiles with degraded starch and ultrasonic thoughts to preserve power / G.M. Elgal, G.F. Ruppenicker, Jr., and N.B. Knoepfler --
strength and similar rate reductions from managed low rainy pick-up software of fabric chemical substances and dyes through semistable foams / George M. Bryant --
The usage of foams within the rainy processing of textiles / R.S. Gregorian, R.A. Bafford, and C.G. Namboodri --
Low power curing pigment padding and printing : use of a hugely lively catalyst method / D.V. Parikh --
Radiation-curable, a hundred% reactive pigment prints : the influence of paste rheology on print caliber / L.H. Wadhwa and W.K. Walsh --
Dyebath and auxiliary bathtub reuse for strength and mass conservation / F.L. prepare dinner and W.C. Tincher --
strength intake and conservation : cloth drying / David Brookstein --
potent use of textiles for power conservation / Tyrone L. Vigo and Charles B. Hassenboehler, Jr.
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The author wishes t o acknowledge Mr. F. C. D a l l and Mr. R. J . P r i c e o f Dow Corning Corporation f o r t h e i r a s s i s t a n c e . Literature Cited 1. , Heat Sealing and High-Frequency Welding of Plastics. Temple Press Limited, London, (1979), P. 79. 2. , Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology (1966) 5, 1. 3. Hartshorn, L . , and Rushton, E . , Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng. (London) Part IIA, (1953) 100, 23 4. , Ed. Dielectric Materials and Applications, Tech. T. , New York (1954).
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1979. 60 ENERGY CONSERVATION IN TEXTILE AND POLYMER PROCESSING removed, the a i r exhaust requirements f o r the oven are 11,350 ft" /minute at 70 F. 5 χ 10 BTU/hr. 5) x 10 6 BTU/hr. BTU/hr.
Vincent and Mr. W. D. Frank o f Dow Corning Corporation r e s p e c t i v e l y . ; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1979. 2 3 50 ENERGY CONSERVATION IN TEXTILE A N D POLYMER PROCESSING Microwave Heating/Curing. The microwave oven employed i n t h i s work has a frequency o f 2450 M Hz. The m a t e r i a l t o be cured or heated was placed i n a wide mouth g l a s s j a r . The j a r was placed on the r o t a t i n g base and the microwave (1 KW) was a p p l i e d .