Electrospinning of Nanofibers in Textiles by A. K. Haghi

By A. K. Haghi

Electrospinning of nanofibers has emerged as a really expert processing method for the formation of sub-micron fibers, with excessive particular floor parts. Electrospinning of Nanofibers in Textiles offers very important new learn within the dynamic and rising box of electrospinning and covers all facets of the know-how as used to provide nanofibers.

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After the intersection points are located, the next step is to find the width of each one. This is carried out using the distance map of the binary input image via finding the pixel corresponding to that intersection point. Finally, the resultant skeleton (of which the intersections are deleted) is used as a guide for tracking the distance transformed image and fiber diameters are obtained by 38 Electrospinning of Nanofibers in Textiles recording the intensities to at all points along the skeleton (white pixels in Fig.

7. It has the capability of being used as an on-line quality control technique for large scale production. 8. The results obtained by image analysis are reproducible. 9. It is not a destructive method. A very small amount of sample is required for measurement. In an attempt to establish the effects of some structural properties on pore characteristics of electrospun nanofibers, two sets of simulated images with varying properties were generated. The simulated images reveal the degree to which fiber diameter and density affect the pore structure parameters.

However, since in this contribution, the nanofibers were made of PVA, finding an appropriate liquid for the test to be performed is almost impossible because of solubility of PVA in both organic and inorganic liquids. As an alternative, image analysis was employed to measure pore structure parameters in electrospun nanofiber webs. PSD curves of the webs, determined using the image analysis method, are shown in Fig. 6. 2. It is seen that decreasing the porosity, O50 and O95 decrease. Cu also decreases with respect to porosity, that is to say increasing the uniformity of the pores.

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