Aquatic Oligochaete Biology VIII: Proceedings of the 8th by Rut Collado, Rüdiger M. Schmelz (auth.), Pilar Rodriguez,

By Rut Collado, Rüdiger M. Schmelz (auth.), Pilar Rodriguez, Piet F. M. Verdonschot (eds.)

This booklet includes 26 contributions facing the biology of aquatic oligochaetes and covers a variety of issues together with taxonomy, morphology, ultrastructure, embryology, replica, feeding biology, ecotoxicity, group stories, and species distribution. Descriptions of recent taxa in tropical components, together with Amazonian woodland soils, in addition to overviews at the biodiversity of aquatic oligochaetes in Australia and ecu groundwaters, are awarded. New morphological features in either marine and freshwater species are defined and interpreted. Laboratory stories give a contribution to the data of oligochaete feeding biology and copy. using aquatic oligochaetes in ecological danger evaluation is analysed intimately, and standardised experimental designs for experiences on bioaccumulation and pollutant move by way of nutrients are integrated. ultimately, a couple of papers current the consequences of oliogochaetes at the functionality of an activated sludge plant, and multivariate techniques to the spatial and/or temporal distribution and composition of oligochaete groups in lots of varied parts of the area, from the size of a river to the dimensions of the microhabitat. The vast scope of this quantity is a mirrored image of modern rends, not just in oligochaete study, but in addition regularly utilized organic studies.

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Sample text

N. Giani , 1982. Contribuci6n al co nocimiento del genero Pristina (Oligochaeta , Naididae ) en la Pen insula Iberica. Bol. R. Soc. Espano la Hisl. Nal. ) 80(3-4): 249 -260. Montanholi- Martins, M. C. & A. M. Taked a, 1999. Co mmunities of benthic oligoc haetes in relation to sediment structure in the upper Parana river, Brazil. Stud . Neotrop . Fauna Enviro n. 34: 52-58. O' Connor, F. 13.. 1955. Extraction of enchytraeid worms from a co niferous forest soil. Nature 175: 8 15-8 16. , 1973. Deux especes nou velles de Pristi na (Na id idae, Oli goc haeta) et leurs affinites .

Chaetae paired in 4 bundles per segment, simple-pointed, sigmoid, with nodulus slightly distal, about 1/3 (32-39%) of chaetal length from the tip (Fig . IB). Chaetal length as little as 60 11m in II, 80-100 11m in clitellar region, 70-95 11m posteriorly. Epidermis in anterior segments 12-20 11m thick; in clitellum 20-40 ILm . Clitellum distinct in some specimens, from (IX) X to XII (1/2 XIII). Epidermis in prostomium thickened to 25-40 11m. Circular muscle of body wall 3-5 11m thick ; longitudinal muscles 2530 11m thick , in transverse sections forming a nearly continuous ring, weakly divided by chaetal and lateral lines .

15% ('Les Gambins') and II % ('Braizieu'). Oligochaetes were sampled with a Surber net (200 lim mesh size), fixed in Bouin 's fluid and most of them stained in paracarmine and whole mounted in Canada balsam . The worms were fixed in Bouin's fluid, stained in paracarmine and whole mounted in Canada balsam. Some worms were studied as whole mounts in glycerol ; some transverse and longitudinal sections were also made and stained in trichrome de Masson . The type material of Gianius cavealis is deposited in the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Lyon (MHNL), France .

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